Some Easy way to Increase Stamina ......
a).BoatPose:-Also known as the #Naukasana (nauka means boat and asana means pose). In this pose, you lie down on the floor. Raise your hands and feet up to a same level from the floor. Hold the pose for a while.
1).Yoga:-#Yoga is a physical, mental, and #spiritual practice or discipline which originated in India.
a).BoatPose:-Also known as the #Naukasana (nauka means boat and asana means pose). In this pose, you lie down on the floor. Raise your hands and feet up to a same level from the floor. Hold the pose for a while.
Some other Benefits Are:-This pose tones up the entire body. People with fat on their body can feel the body trembling the moment this pose is done. This is very helpful as it sheds off the extra weight. This exercise is very useful for people suffering from Hernia.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana
- Strengthens the back muscles
- Relieves the tired back instantaneously
- Gives a good stretch to the chest, neck and spine
- Calms the brain, reducing anxiety, stress and depression
- Opens up the lungs and reduces thyroid problems
- Helps improve digestion
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual pain
- Helpful in asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and sinusitis
Contraindication of the Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
- Avoid doing this pose if you are suffering from neck and back injuries.
i also adviced you that you have to sit in the same (vajrasana) yoga pose after the Dinner (food taken in night)
for 1 to 20 minutes. it tight your lower muscle and give you an amazing strength benefits.
(मैं ये सलाह भी देना चाहता हूँ , के आप रात्रि के खाने के बाद , कुछ समय के लिए या १५ से २० मिनट्स के लिए जरुर बेठे , ऐसा करने से आपके निचे के हिस्से मजबूत बोंगे साथ भी जांघे भी दुरुस्त होंगी ,साथ ही आपके पेरो मैं जो दर्द की शिकयत होती है , वह भी दूर होगी ).
Vajrasana is the simple asana which can be practiced after lunch or dinner also. Vajrasana is also known as ‘diamond pose’ which is best for practicing breathing exercises and meditation. Regular practice makes you stronger and healthier.
- Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs as shown in the above image.
- Keep the spine straight and close the eyes.
- Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
- Now start to inhale slowly then exhale.
- When you exhale try to think that your disorders are coming out from your nose.
- Repeat these steps for 5 minutes and take a rest. You can increase the time for 15 minutes.
Benefits of Vajrasana
- Calms the mind and bring stability in mind.
- Cures constipation, acidity, increases digestion process.
- Those suffering from gas problems can practice immediately after lunch or dinner.
- Helps to get rid of back pain.
- Cures stomach disorder.
- Cures urinary problems.
- Strengthens the sexual organs.
- Increases blood circulation.
- It is preferred for meditation and concentration.
- Helps to reduce obesity.
- Strengthens the thigh muscles.
- Acts as pain killer in arthritis patients.
Practice vajrasana for 15 to 20 minutes after lunch or dinner. You can increase the period as long as you can. You can practice before having food also.
- A person suffering from joint pain should not practice this asana.
- Should practice under expert guidance.
2).Black Grams (काले चने ):-
रात मैं १ मुट्ठी काले चने साफ़ पानी मैं भिगो दे , फिर सुबह सुबह उन्हें खाने से आपके शारीर मैं अथहाय उर्जा का संचार होगा,आपको ऐसे प्रतिदिन करना है ,ये आपके शारीर मैं स्फूर्ति का सृजन करेगा..
यदि इसे सुबह की दौड़ के बाद खाया जाए तो फिर ये सोने पे सुहागा वाली बात होगी ,,
Black grams are the best for increasing your stamina
and power in fast way..
3).Ban-yaan tree Milk (उर्फ़ शिलाजीत ) (बरगद का दूध ):
बरगद के पेड़ के हर हिस्से के अपने फायदे है, इसीलिए इसे आयुर्वेद मैं शामिल किया गया है ,
सुबह सुबह बरगद के दूध को पीने से शरीर बलिष्ठ , वीर्यवान , सुन्दर होता है ,
विधि :-
#बरगद के दूध की ४ या ५ बुँदे बताशे मैं भरकर, ४ से ५ बताशे खाने
Running is the simple way to increase stamina , and power....
Regular running or jogging offers many
health benefits. Running can: help to build
strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise.
strengthen muscles.
5). Skipping Rope :-
It increases stamina,
Reduce foot and Ankle Injuries
According to research jump rope for a minimum of five minutes a day can improve physical fitness and when you build to ten minutes of nonstop jumping at 120 RPMs it can provide the same benefits as the following:
- 30 minutes of jogging
- 2 sets of tennis singles
- 30 minutes of racquet and handball playing
- 720 yards of swimming
- 18 holes of golf
Thank you
Thanks it is very helpful to increase stamina and strength....... Thanks
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